Western District of New York 1191a SubV Consensual Plan Confirmed 1191b SubV Nonconsensual Plan Confirmed 1328OBJ Objection to Debtors Discharge Ch. 13 2_DISCHARGES Case has two discharges 707(b) Presumption of Abuse under 707 727OBJ Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor ADDCHG Change of Address ALERT ALERT AP Adversary Proceeding Filed APPEAL APPEAL APclosed Case has a closed Adversary Proceeding APpending Case has a pending Adversary Proceeding ARCHIVED Archived AppealRpt Case will appear on Appeal Report BARDEBTOR Barred Debtor BadFaithFiling Bad Faith Filing CLAIMS Claims have been docketed to this case CLOSED Case Closed CODEcase Code Case CONFOdue Awaiting Confirmation Order CONS Consolidated Case CONVERTED Case Converted ClaimsAGENT Claims and/or Noticing Agent Employed CounDue Credit Counseling Certificate not filed CredAdd Add Creditor to Matrix CredCoun Certification of Credit Counseling CredDue Creditors Not Uploaded or Added to Case CreditorCommittee Creditor Committee Appointed DCother Other matters sent to DC DEFER Fee Deferred DISMISSED Case Dismissed Db1328OBJ Objection to the Discharge of the First Debtor - Ch 13 Db2830 Domestic Support - Certificate due from First Debtor Db727OBJ Objection to the Discharge of the First Debtor DbDISMISSED First Debtor Dismissed DbDebtEd Financial Mgmt-Certificate due from First Debtor DbDischargeDenied Discharge Denied - First Debtor DebtEd Financial Mgt - Debtor Education Certificate Due DirApl Direct Appeal to Circuit Court DischX Motion/Order to Extend DischXdb Motion/Order to Extend - First Debtor only DischXjdb Motion/Order to Extend - Second Debtor only DischargeDenied Discharge Denied DischargeRevoked Discharge Revoked DsclsDue Disclosure Statement Due FUNDS Funds Deposited in Court Registry FederalExemption Federal Exemption FeeDue Fee Due FeeDueFNL Fee Due - Final Notice FeeDueINST Installment Payment Due Frivolous/VexaciousFiling Frivolous/Vexacious Filing FundsClmd Unclaimed Funds Claimed by Creditor GENERIC Generic IFP IFP fee Waived IFPall IFP granted as to all fees due IFPlimited IFP granted as to filing fee only IFPpending Application for IFP is pending IFPreopen Reopen Fee Waived-IFP INTP Interpleader INTRA Intra-Distict Transfer IncompleteFiling Incomplete Filing IneligClose Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto close IneligDisch Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto discharge JNTADMN Jointly Administered Jdb1328OBJ Objection to the Discharge of the Joint Debtor - Ch 13 Jdb283 Domestic Support-Certificate due from Second Debtor(Flag Discontinued on 12/1/15) Jdb2830 Domestic Support - Certificate due from Second Debtor Jdb727OBJ Objection to the Discharge of the Joint Debtor JdbDischargeDenied Discharge Denied - Joint Debtor JntDbDISMISSED Second Debtor Dismissed JntDbDebtEd Financial Mgmt-Certificate due from Second Debtor LEAD Lead Case M1519 Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 M1521/1507 Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 MEANSNO no MEANSTMPEX Temporary exclusion from means test for reservists and national guard MEANSU unknown MEANSYES yes MEMBER Member of an associated case MJK Case will remain with MJK NOCLOSE Do Not Close NODISCH Do Not Discharge NODISCHdb Do Not Discharge - Debtor NODISCHjdb Do Not Discharge - Joint Debtor NTCAPR Notice of Appearance NoAJTA Do Not Use AJTA NoAutoDisch Do not allow Auto Discharge for this case OBJ1515 Objection to Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 OBJ1519 Objection to Provisional Relief Section 1519 OBJ1521/1507 Objection to Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 ORD1515 Order on Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Section 1515 ORD1519 Order on Motion for Provisional Relief Section 1519 ORD1521/1507 Order on Motion for Post-Recognition Relief Section 1521/1507 ObjPlan Objection to Plan OrderDue Order has not been submitted Ovrride Override Preferred Address PRVDISCH Previous Discharge PRVDISM Previous Dismissal PaperFile Pro-Se Debtor/Paper Case File PlnDue Plan Due Prior Prior Case Filing PriorInstal Prior Installment ProSeESR Opened from an eSR package REAF Reaffirmation Agreement, Set for Hearing REALPROP Real Property Scheduled RECONVERTED Case Re-Converted REOPENED Reopened Case ReafHdShp Reaffirmation Hardship ReqSepNtc Debtor's Request for Separate Notice SARD SARD SPLITCASE Joint Case Severed STRICKEN Case Stricken SmBus Small Business StateExemption State Exemption Subchapter_V Chapter 11, Subchapter V TRANSFER Transfer TRANSFERin Case Transferred into the District TRANSFERout Case Transferred Out of District TaxReq Tax return Request Tenant Debtor Resides as a Tenant of Residential Property Uncollect Fee Uncollectible VOLFILE Voluminous File WTRSVREND Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered Waive WAIVE WithXMLData A code to track cases opened with XML data eSR Opened from an eSR package Western District of New York
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